Monday, January 22, 2018

How do you lose stubborn belly fat fast?

To lose stubborn belly flat, get enough sleep every night, take steps to reduce your stress levels, change your eating habits, and work out every day. Losing weight requires a permanent lifestyle change, so talk to a dietitian if you need assistance or use the 2 Week Diet Plan to lose up to 18lbs in just 14 days!

  1. Improve your sleeping habits
    Studies have shown that consistently getting six to seven hours of sleep every night decreases weight gain over time. Try to go to sleep and wake up on a regular schedule.
  2. Avoid stress
    Stress can cause physical health issues, including weight gain. Take time to relax, meditate and do things that calm you down. Seek guidance from a professional counselor if you have excessive stress levels.
  3. Eat better
    Cut fatty meats, dairy products and starches from your diet. Eat more fruits and vegetables, and only eat low-fat proteins. Pay attention to how you feel when you eat, and try not to let your mood or emotions affect your eating habits. Drink plenty of water, and eat three meals every day at the same time.
  4. Get fit
    Plan to work out for at least 30 minutes every day. Try to do workouts that keep you sweating, such as running, jogging on a treadmill or biking. Joining a gym can be helpful, or you can exercise at home. Start off slow, then increase the intensity and duration at a moderate pace.

How do you lose stubborn belly fat fast?

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