You must be thinking that it is impossible to lose 20 pounds in just two weeks, but we are here saying that you in fact can!
We will not be talking about wraps or “magic” pills, but about small sacrifices that come in a combination with some specific techniques. Rather than changing your lifestyle completely, we will give you a diet plan combined with exercise strategies that fit your lifestyle.
You need to choose at least 4 of the tips that you are going to read below, and make sure that you implement them in your schedule for 14 days. In case you are feeling a little more ambitious, you can choose more than four. The more you choose, the better. Remember that you must not stall this process, because if you start today, in just 7 days you will feel much better and lighter and in 14 days you will reach your goal.
- Drink water
Fruits smoothies, light beers and energy drinks contain about 100 calories. But this drinks do not possess the ability to substitute 100 calories of food, so that makes them ineffective in that regard. There are other drinks that are high in carbohydrates and sodium, which will make your body retain water.
Water contains 0 calories and carbs, almost no sodium at all, which makes it the perfect drink for losing weight. It will also flush out the excess of water from your body and it will improve your metabolism. If you don’t like the taste of water, you can always add some mint leaves or lemon wedges into it.
- You must avoid pasta and white bread
If you decide to cut out all white grain products like spaghetti, white rice and sandwich rolls, you will instantly slim down. The reason for that is because these foods cause bloating especially around your stomach. Carbohydrates are very dangerous for your weight because the body digests them quickly, which will make you feel hungry after a short period of time.
Instead of replacing them with white-grain bread products that are healthier, remove them completely from your diet and eat vegetables instead. Instead of eating chips and chicken sandwich, eat carrots and a chicken salad. Vegetables contain complex carbs, which our body digests slowly, which makes you full for much longer.
- Do cardio workouts for half an hour every day
Every workout that will get your heart rate up will make you burn calories quickly. But, if you choose a cardio exercise that will engage multiple muscles simultaneously, you will be able to burn more calories.
You need to consider cardio kickboxing, boot-camp workouts and spinning. Just 30 minutes of any of these exercises will burn up to 300 calories, while toning your legs, core and arms at the same time. You will be able to burn even more calories if the workout that you do incorporates interval training. This means that you need to alternate between short bursts of intense cardio, with slower activity.
- Drink coffee 60 minutes before your workout
This rule is an exception to the first tip that we wrote earlier. Just a cup of coffee with skim milk will seriously energize your workout. Because of that, you will be able to burn more calories without realizing that you are pushing your body harder than you normally do.
- Have nightly you-on-top sex
It is not as if you need an excuse to hook up with your significant other every night, but it is a fact that this position can burn fat very fast. With you being on top it means that you are controlling the pace and intensity, and if you are more active, you will be able to burn more calories – up to 144 in just half an hour.
Sex will also pump up the levels of the neurotransmitters that make you feel good.
- Do 36 lunges and push-ups every other day
These exercises will help you sculpt your muscles and you will have a more streamlined appearance. You need to do three sets of 12, of each of these exercises. Lunges work your hips, thighs and butt, while push-ups will target your upper body.
- Sleep half an hour longer at night
Those 30 minutes extra, whether you sleep for five or eight hours, can help you wake up refreshed and you will be able to make better food choices. This means that you will not get up and go straight for the sugary breakfast, and you will feel much more energized and willing to go to the gym. Eight hours of sleep also makes your metabolism much more effective.
- Make one food sacrifice
If you cut one food out of your diet, like the chocolate desert after your lunch/dinner or the chips you have with your lunch, you will be able to reduce a couple of hundred calories from your diet. This means less flab and your body will not even notice their absence.
- Eat salmon for lunch
Salmon contains nutrients that can build muscle tone and it will give your skin a much healthier glow. There are nutritionists that claim that by consuming a portion of salmon, your face will immediately look more contoured.
- Stand up straight
You must keep your shoulders back, your spine straight and your belly sucked toward your spine. This will make you appear slimmer and you will have a more streamlined middle.
- Do sit-ups and squats
This technique is used by bodybuilders, before their competitions, because these exercises add definition to your muscles. You need to do 3 sets of twelve of each one of these exercises, in order to tighten your legs, but and abs.
- Try the two-week diet
Women make one big mistake, and they are not able to lose weight because of that. That mistake is that they always overcomplicate things. When it comes to losing weight, simplicity is always your best friend.
If you find it hard following the rules above, you can always try out The Red Tea Detox Plan. It has guidelines which are easy to follow and are also very effective.

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