Sunday, July 29, 2018

The Top 3 Ways to Lose Weight… NOW

Ok, this is it. You’re going to do it. You’ve decided that NOW is the time to lose weight. Good for you! Deciding to lose weight is highly commendable, and that decision can be equal parts motivating and daunting. But don’t worry; I got you. So just read on; absorb; and succeed!
Set a Series of Mini Goals
For many women, trying to lose weight can be a very overwhelming, even intimidating, goal. But that’s only because most women look at a specific, future number on the scale. Think about it; if you’re 170 lbs (77 kgs) now and want to be 125 lbs (56 kgs), those 45 lbs seem like a ginormous amount of weight to drop.
However, if you set a series of mini goals that are doable and easily achievable, you wake up one morning and BAM! you’ll have a hard time yourself believing how far you’ve come in such a short span of time.
FOCUS On the Good, DUMP the Bad
Here’s what many women confess that they DID NOT expect to encounter when they started on their weight loss journeys: the people (family and/or friends) who they thought would be their best cheerleaders seem to be the very ones trying to sabotage their efforts.
There are many reasons for this: jealousy, sense of being left behind, and sometimes even just a genuine concern for you (out of MISinformation they may have about weight loss themselves).
Here’s the thing though, just FOCUS on what’s good. Concentrate on the people cheering and supporting you, and overlook the people sending bad vibes (at least for now). Trust me; this is NOT the time to dwell on negativity.
On the other side of the coin, you should also learn to accept help.
Don’t get too focused on ‘doing your own thing’ that you overlook genuine help. For instance, a friend may offer doing ‘meal preps’ together or may invite you to an aerobic or dance class. Be open to any new experience that will advance you in your weight loss endeavors.
Find a System That Works WITH YOU, Not Against You
Following the wrong diet is like trying to swim against the waves… BIG, ROLLING WAVES that knock you back further than your initial starting point. Boo!
You’re a woman and you have a different body structure and different hormone levels than men. The wrong diet can actually use your body AGAINST you, making you feel as if you’re taking one very difficult step forward, only to be knocked two steps back.
Women’s ‘daily routines’ are different too. Women take care of their kids and their dizzying schedules, see after their husbands, run a business, manage entire households (sometimes more than one!)… a diet that requires you to drastically cut back on calories will affect energy levels, and make it very difficult for you to do the things that you need to do.
What you need is a weight loss program like BeFinallyFit (BFF) that’s dedicated and attuned to the uniqueness of the female body – its structure and hormone levels – and the female lifestyle. It’s the only way to stick to a plan that will see you to the weight loss finish line.
If you want to learn more about BFF, check out this short video so you can see for yourself how this quick, 28-day system can work for you.

Ok, this is it. You’re going to do it. You’ve decided that NOW is the time to lose weight. Good for you! Deciding to lose weight is highly commendable, and that decision can be equal parts motivating and daunting. But don’t worry; I got you. So just read on; absorb; and succeed!

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